Joumou is the Haitian term for pumpkins, gourd and winter tract.
Why is Joumou from Haiti desired?
Joumou is the key ingredient for the traditional Haitian pumpkin soup called “Soup Joumou'”. Soup joumou is a famous flavorful soup native to Haitian cuisine. Also known as the Haitian Independence Day soup, this soup is consumed by Haitians all over the world. It’s a cultural tradition for Haitians to cook this soup on January 1st to commemorate their independence and celebrate their hard-earned victory.
What are the sizes?
Joumou comes in various sizes. Our joumou comes on average 6-7 lbs .
What will come in my box?
Each Joumou box contains about 40 pounds of joumou, individually selected for ripeness, taste and flavor.
When can I place my order?
You can place your pre-order on our website to get first choice. The joumou will be available to you in november 2020.
What if I wanted to order 1 joumou?
We are partnering with “Taste of Haiti BOx” for all individual orders. Please visit for more information.
Do you deliver?
Unfortunately, all orders must be picked up at our preferred warehouses until further notice. Once you place your order, you will be provided a receipt along with directions.
How is my order helping Haitian farmers?
We guarantee full purchase of 100% of their production to our farmers. Your order guarantee a wage and provides a level of security to our farmers.
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